Usool al-Deen: The Roots of Religion (for Kids)

Usoole Deen: Roots of Religion Clip
Usool al-Deen: The Roots of Religion (for kids under 8 years old)
Produced by Shia Quran Teacher

Usool al-Deen: The Roots of Religion (for kids)

This film is appropriated for kids under 6 years old to learn and memorize Usool al-Deen.

In Shia belief the Roots of Religion (Usool al-Deen) are five:
1: Tawhid (Belief in the Oneness and Unity of Allah)
2: Adalah (Almighty God is Just and never treat unfair)
3: Nabuwwah (Belief in Prophethood. God has sent 124000 prophets to guid the people. The last one among them is Prophet Muhammad (PBUH))
4: Imamah (belief in 12 Imams which after prophet Muhammad Allah assigned them to guide us)
5: Qiamah (Belief in Day of Resurrection or Judgment, when all people will be judged by God for what they have done)


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