Imam Ali (AS)

Imam Ali; our Kind Father (for 10 years old and more)

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Imam Ali; our Kind Father (for 10 years old and more)


Do you know the names of our 12 Imams who were sent to guide and teach us?

The first of them is Imam Ali [AS]. Let’s get to know our kind Imam more.

Imam Ali’s father is Abu Talib [AS] who was very kind and generous and always ready to help the needy. Abu Talib [AS] was our Holy Prophet’s uncle and looked after the Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] as the best guardian. He was a believer and supported the Prophet in spreading the message of Islam. So, Imam Ali [AS] is the Prophet’s [PBUH] cousin.

Sayyidah Fatimah [AS] bint Asad is Imam Ali’s [AS] mother. She declared her faith in Islam and looked after the Prophet with love and care.

One day, Sayyidah Fatimah bint Asad, went to the Ka’bah to pray to Allah [SWT] for her baby to be born safely. She was standing near the Ka’bah and praying when suddenly there was a crack in the wall of the Ka’bah. The walls of the Ka’bah opened. Sayyidah Fatimah bint Asad went inside the Ka’bah and the walls closed again.

The people of Mecca were so amazed to see this miracle. They wanted to see what was happening so they went and got the key to the doors of the Ka’bah. But by Allah [SWT]’s miracle, the doors would not open.

The news soon spread throughout Mecca.

After three days, the wall of the Ka’bah opened again and Sayyidah Fatimah bint Asad came out with a child in her arms. This was Imam Ali [AS], who was born on the 13th of Rajab, 21 years before Hijrah. He had not yet opened his eyes, and when the Holy Prophet [PBUH] came and held the child, Imam Ali [AS] opened his eyes for the first time.

The Holy Prophet took the baby from Sayyidah Fatimah’s arms. He kissed him and named him Ali.

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Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] began looking after Imam Ali [AS] like his own son. As Imam Ali [AS] grew up, he would follow the Holy Prophet [PBUH] everywhere like a shadow.

Imam Ali [AS] was the first to follow the Holy Prophet and accept Islam. Imam Ali [AS] says, “The Holy Prophet [PBUH] took me in his lap when I was a baby and I was always with him. I followed the Prophet step by step as a baby camel follows its mother.”Imam Ali 2


Imam Ali [as] was the first to offer prayers behind him. “During those days, Islam was the religion of only the Prophet and his wife Sayyidah Khadija [AS].” Imam Ali [AS] says, “I was the third of the trio. Nobody else in the world had accepted Islam.”

The Holy Prophet [PBUH] considered Imam Ali [AS] his closest companion and family at all times. No one in the history of Islam shares the words of praise that the Holy Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] used for Imam Ali [AS]. For example, he said:

“Ali and I are from the same Light.”

“Ali is from me and I am from Ali.”

“Ali and I are your father.”

“Ali is the first person to believe in my Prophet hood and will be the first person to meet me on the Day of Judgement.”

“I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its door. Whoever wants to gain knowledge should come through the door.”

“Whoever wishes to see Adam in his knowledge, Noah in his piety, Ibraheem in his patience, Moses in his strength, and Jesus in his worship and devotion should look at Ali ibn Abu Talib.”

"He who loves Ali loves me and he who hates Ali hates me.”

"O Ali! You are the leader in this world and the hereafter.”

“Ali is with the Truth and Truth is with Ali.”

“Ali is the Commander of the Faithful (Amir al-Mu’menin)Imam Ali 3


Imam Ali [AS] was handsome, strong and attractive. He had a smiling face. He liked simple food and usually had barley bread and salt. He was so kind especially to the poor, the disabled, the aged and the orphans.

Imam Ali [AS] was always ready to help those in need and would do it without telling them who he was. One day when Imam Ali was passing through a street, he saw a woman carrying a leather bag of water. He took the bag from her and carried it to her house. She told him she was a widow and had no one to care for her children. So, Imam Ali [AS] looked after her children and hugged them with love. He continued to play with them while she cooked.

A neighbor walked in and recognized the Imam. The widow felt ashamed as knowing the person who had been helping them was Ali ibn Abu Talib, the Caliph.Imam Ali 4


Imam Ali [AS] always ate such kind of food and dressed in such a way that even the poorest can afford better than that. It was not because he was poor but it was because he wanted to lead the life of the poorest person and spend all that could thus be spared on poor.

Imam Ali [AS] was a hardworking man with a pleasant personality. He worked hard while farming and cultivating orchards. He developed several plots and orchards and then gave them all away for the sake of Allah [SWT].

Once, after a day's hard work, Imam Ali [AS] was sitting under a tree and eating his barley bread and salt. A passing stranger asked him for food. Imam Ali [AS] readily offered to share what he was eating and gave him a piece of bread. The old man found it difficult to chew and complained that the bread was too hard. Imam Ali [AS] informed him that he would get good hot food if he cared to go to Imam Hasan's house.

When the stranger arrived at the given address, he found that a banquet was spread out and people were eating. Imam Hasan [AS] invited him to join them. He started eating and after a while he would eat one mouthful and put one mouthful in his bowl. Seeing this, Imam Hasan [AS] said, "Why are you putting food in your bowl brother? Have your fill and then you can take some more with you."

The stranger replied, "I am collecting some good food for a man, who is eating dry barley bread and salt." Imam Hasan [AS] smiled and said, "That man is my father, Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib [AS] and this house is his house. He provides all this for others"


Allah [SWT] loves Imam Ali [AS] so much that He commanded the Holy Prophet [PBUH] to make Imam Ali [AS] the leader after his death. Imam Ali is the one we should listen to about what Allah [SWT] is telling us to do and how to be good Muslims.


We love you, Imam Ali, the Commander of the Faithful (Amir al-Mu’menin)

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