In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Step by Step of Wudu (for kids and teens)
Introduction to Wudu:
Wudu is the special way to wash yourself before you pray.
Wudu is not only needed for Salāh but also for:
- Tawaf around the Ka’ba
- Touching writings of the Holy Qur’an
- and also touching the names of our 14 Ma’sumin
It is also very good to do Wudu at the following times:
- Before going to sleep
- Before entering the Imam Holy Shrine
- When you are angry
Remember! Allah loves those who are in Wudu all the time.
Performing Wudu Step-by-Step
Before you begin: If you have any rings, or a watch that is tight, remove it before the Wudu so that water can reach everywhere. Also remove your socks. For ladies, make sure your scarf is loosened or removed so that you can do your masā properly.
Mustahb acts of Wudu:
1. Saying "Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" (In the Name of Allāh [SWT], the Most Kind the Most Merciful) before starting the Wudu.
3. Washing your palms twice from the wrists to the fingertips.
4. Then rinsing your mouth three times, and your nose three times
After these mustahab parts of Wudu we begin the wājib parts of Wudu.
Wājib acts of Wudu:
1. Niyyah: I am performing Wudu Qurbatan ilallāh, which means "I am performing Wudu for the pleasure of Allah [SWT]”. You don’t have to say the niyyah out loudly
2. Washing your face: Wash your face from where the hair of the head normally grows, all the way down to the chin. Make sure you wipe to area close to your ears. Make sure all visible parts of the face skin are washed.
The area you cover in washing your face is the width covered by the thumb and the middle finger when they are spread out. If your face is not washed correctly and any area remains unwashed, the Wudu will not be correct and will have to be done again. You can pour or splash water on your face as many times as you need, but once you start wiping your face with your hands, that is considered one wash. You can add more water a second time if you need it, and wipe again, but you cannot add water a third time.
3. Washing your arms: After washing the face, you should wash your right arm, and then your left arm, from the elbow down to the fingertips.
Your arms should always be washed from top to bottom. If you wash from down to up, the Wudu will not be accepted and will need to be done again. To make sure that the elbow is washed completely, it is better to wash some of the arm above the elbow as well.
There is no limit in how much water you can pour on your arms, but once you start wiping your arm, that is considered one wash.
You can add more water a second time if you need it, and wipe again. You cannot add water a third time.
Make sure you start wiping from a little above the elbow and that water reaches all sides of the elbow and the arm (inside and outside), all the way down to the fingertips. Make sure each finger is wiped properly.
After you have washed your right arm, repeat the same for the left arm.
4. Wiping (masā) of the head with a wet hand: You should wipe the top of your head with the wetness on the fingers of your right hand, without taking any new water. Move the wet fingers of the right hand from the front quarter of the head towards to the edge of the hair.
5. Wiping (masā) of the feet with wet hands: After you have done masā on your head, you should also wipe your feet with the same wet fingers. First wipe the right foot, then wipe your left foot. Wipe from tip of the toes up to the ankle. It is better to wipe with three fingers or the whole palm.
For your Wudu to be correct, you must follow the order and do all the actions without a break or interruption in the middle.
During Wudu it is easy to waste a lot of water! A good Muslim should not waste water. It is a blessing from Allāh [SWT] and we should try to use only that which we need.