
Quran teaches Us: Fa aslihu, Make Peace

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Quran teaches Us: Fa aslihu, Make Peace


Can you imagine how the world would be if everyone made peace with each other?

How would it be if everyone was kind, helped each other or didn’t upset any one?

Holy Quran teaches us live in a peaceful way:

Fa aslihu, Make Peace (Surah al-Hujuraat 49:10)

A true Muslim always acts in the way the Qur'an teaches and follows the manners of the Ahlulbayt. So, a Muslim behaviour is always peaceful and he doesn't do anything to hurt or upset others.

So, we should learn:

- Skill of solving problems in a focused, structured way, in order to achieve peace.

- Skill of listening to others

- We can achieve peace by following the Qur'an and copying the manners of the Ahlulbayt.

Quran teaches Us Make Peace


Mohammad Foundation


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