The Prophets

Prophet Musa [AS] in the Palace of Fir’awn (for 10 years old and more)

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Prophet Musa [AS] in the Palace of Fir’awn (for 10 years old and more)


Many years after Prophet Yusuf [AS] passed away in Egypt, there was a wicked and cruel king, by the name of Fir’awn. 

During the time of Fir’awn, many of the people living in Egypt were not actually Egyptian. They were the friends and relatives of Prophet Ya’qub [AS] and Prophet Yusuf [AS] who had moved to Egypt after Prophet Yusuf [AS] had become the governor there. These people were known as the Bani Isra’īl.

Fir’awn saw that there were a lot of Bani Isra’īl in Egypt and he did not like it. He decided to make the Banī Isra’īl his slaves and made them work for him, so that they would never have power in Egypt. 

He would make them work very hard and gave them very little food and water. He was not a very nice master to the slaves.

As Fir’awn talked to the Bani Isra’īl, he learned that they believed a boy would be born soon who would be their saviour and will destroy Fir’awn. 

Fir’awn became scared and angry when he heard this and decided that he would not let this happen. From that day on, every time he heard a boy was born in the Bani Isra’īl tribe, he would order his men to kill the child. 

The child that Bani Isra’il were waiting for was Prophet Musa [AS]. It was Allah [SWT]’s plan that Prophet Musa [AS] would save the Bani Isra’īl and fight against Fir’awn.

Soon, Prophet Musa [AS] was born, and his mother was worried that the soldiers of Fir’awn would come and kill her son. Allah [SWT] guided the mother of Prophet Musa [AS] to put her baby in a basket and then to put the basket in the river.

As Prophet Musa [AS] began to float in the basket down the river, his mother sent his older sister to follow the basket and to see where it went. Allah [SWT] made the basket float down the river and stop outside Fir’awn’s palace. Fir’awn’s wife, Sayyidah Asiyah, was a very good woman and loved Allah [SWT].

When she saw the basket, she opened it and saw this young boy. She decided she would keep this baby and raise him as her own. She told Fir’awn that she loved this child and that he could not kill this little boy. 

Fir’awn was looking everywhere for this child who would grow up and fight him, while Prophet Musa [AS] was growing up in his own palace! Not once did he realise that the boy being raised in his palace was the special Prophet Musa [AS] – how amazing is the miracle of Allah [SWT]?


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