The Prophets

Prophet Ibrahim [AS] and the Small Frog (For kids under 12 years old)

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Prophet Ibrahim [AS] and the Small Frog (For kids under 12 years old)


Once upon a time, when all the people in the village had gone out, Prophet Ibrahim [AS] went to the place where all the idols were kept and broke all of them.

When the people returned, they were so angry, they took Prophet Ibrahim [AS] to the king, Namrud. They told the king to punish Prophet Ibrahim [AS] for breaking the idols. 

Namrud decided to throw Prophet Ibrahim [AS] into a huge fire. He asked everybody to collect lots and lots of wood so they could make the biggest fire ever. Then they lit the fire.

Prophet Ibrahim [AS] tried to tell the people to believe in Allah [SWT] because He created the World. The people did not want to believe Prophet Ibrahim [AS]. 

There was a small frog sitting by the fire, spitting with all its might and strength! The other animals laughed at the frog and asked him what he was doing? Did the frog think that the little spit from his mouth could put out the fire?

The frog said to the other animals, “When Allāh [SWT] asks me on the Day of Judgment what I did when Prophet Ibrahim [AS] was being thrown in to the fire, at least I can say I tried my best!”

The people threw Prophet Ibrahim [AS] in to the fire, but Allah [SWT] commanded the fire to become cool and like a garden for Prophet Ibrahim [AS]. A miracle happened!

Instead of burning Prophet Ibrahim [A], the fire became cool and safe for him and he came out without getting hurt. The people were amazed.

Prophet Ibrahim and the Small Frog


Mohammad Foundation


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