The Event of Kissa (for kids and teens)

The Event of Kissa (for kids and teens)


In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

The Event of Kissa (for kids and teens)


Shall I tell you about the event of Kisaa,

The event of the Prophet's Kisaa.

He went to the house of Bibi Fatima,

And asked for the Yemeni Kisaa.


Then came Hasan and greeted his mum,

Assalamu Alayki, O Mother!

I can sense the presence of my grandpa,

He joined the Prophet under the Kisaa.


Then came Hussain and greeted his mum,

Assalamu Alayki, O Mother!

I can sense the presence of my grandpa,

He joined them under the Kisaa.


Then came Ali Ameerul Mu'mineen,

Assalamu Alayki, O daughter of the Prophet,

I can sense the presence of my cousin,

He too joined them under the Kisaa.


Fatima asked the Prophet,

May I join you under the Kisaa,

Yes! said Muhammad join us.


In the heavens Jibrail asked,

O Allah! Who's under the Kisaa,

The answer came, O Jibrail!

It's Fatima, her father, her husband and her sons.

    The Event of Kissa


Mohammad Foundation


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